With Rain Comes Hope

In skies of slate, where dark clouds loom,
A tapestry of hope begins to bloom.
In their depths, a promise held,
Of life renewed, of dreams upheld.

For ‘neath their cloak, the world aglow,
Each hue more vibrant, each glimmer, a show,
Against the canvas of gray above,
Hope shines through, an undying love.

As first drops fall, a gentle kiss,
Refreshing earth with nature’s bliss.
Each droplet cleanses, purifies the air,
Awakening senses, banishing despair.

A drizzle descends, a soft refrain,
Cleansing souls of worry, of pain.
In its rhythm, a melody sweet,
Bringing solace to all it meets.

Then fields rejoice, with verdant sheen,
Beneath the downpour’s nurturing glean.
Bountiful harvests, fruits abound,
In rain’s embrace, joy is found.

So let us welcome, with open arms,
The rain, the healer, who charms.
For in its touch, we find our worth,
Bringing renewal to our dear Earth.

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I’m Shreya

A curious and creative soul embarking on my journey of translating my thoughts into words, my emotions into chapters, and my experiences into stories.

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